I am dedicating this website and its contents to honor my father, Reverend Harold H. Brauer and his many accomplishments during his career as a Lutheran minister and his commitment to his own family and the many other people who he served spiritually and in other ways. Growing up as one of his children, my own focus was to prepare for work and my professional career. Like my parents, I became dedicated to my own family and time did not allow me to pay close attention to his many accomplishments. Later I appreciated his dedication, along with the lifelong support that my mother, Edna Brauer, gave to his work and to our family.
Theirs was a life of service which I came to realize more after I retired from my own career. In order to honor them for their service to our family, to many others and to their Lord, I have developed this website. I hope those who become aware of this website will find items from my parent’s lives that are a blessing.
The main content of this website is a collection of more than 2000 sermons written and delivered by my father. Digitizing them was a task taking nearly 3 years. I hope website visitors benefit from his messages.
Roger L. Brauer, Ph.D., P.E.
602 W. Austin Street
Tolono, IL 61880
This website would not be possible without some help from others.
Thanks to my sister, Gloria, for preserving the sermons from our father’s materials and forwarding them to me.
Receiving them triggered the idea for this website.
Thanks to my brother, James, for helping with the music and formats for the section displaying the hymns our father wrote.
A huge thank you goes to Troy Courson of Image Graphics Enterprises, Inc. who helped develop the website.
Thanks to my wife, Char, for putting up with my doing this project over a 3-year period.