Radio Sermons
During his ministry, Rev. Brauer delivered at least 200 radio sermons, often referred to as radiodevotions. He delivered the radio sermons in Utah and Wisconsin. The radio stations included:
KLO in Ogden, Utah
KVNU in Logan, Utah
WTCH in Shawano, Wisconsin
WBAY in Green Bay, Wisconsin
WDUZ in Green Bay, Wisconsin
The radio programs varied in length. Most were either 15 minutes long or 30 minutes long. The formats varied for the radio station involved.
Radio sermons presented on this website are found in three groups.
Table 1. Eleven Actual Voice Recordings Preserving the Voice of Rev. Brauer.
Table 2. Text of Radio Sermons Delivered at Radio Stations in Utah.
Table 3. Text of Radio Sermons Delivered at Radio Stations in Wisconsin.
Table 1. Actual Voice Recordings of Radio Sermons Delivered by Rev. Brauer
These 11 radio sermons are the only recordings that preserved Rev. Brauer’s voice! These radio sermons were part of the weekly program for KVNU in Logan, Utah, a 15 minute program called “Lutheran Vespers.” The program occurred on Monday afternoons and later on Tuesday afternoons. Rev. Brauer conducted this program from very late in 1947 through early 1949.
The recordings involve two different lists, both numbered from 1 through 11. The first list involves the sound recordings. The second list involves a list of the text presented in a corresponding radio sermon in the sound recording list.
Instructions for Voice Recorded Radio Sermons
To listen to Rev. Brauer present a sermon click on the “triangle” symbol in front of a selected sermon. The sound recording can be heard using a suitable headset or speaker arrangement.
To view the spoken text of a sound recording (transcript), move to the text list for the corresponding radio sermon number and click on the instruction for the selected Recording number. The PDF file will appear and can be printed, depending on the text management capability a user has.
History of Voice Recordings
At times Rev. Brauer could not be present at the KVNU radio station to conduct the Lutheran Vespers program. When that was anticipated, Rev. Brauer would arrange to create a sound recording (or transcription) of the program in advance. At the time, the method used by radio stations to record a program in advance involved 33 1/3 rpm records. However, the equipment for a radio station involved 16 inch diameter platters, larger than the more common 12 inch
platters sold commercially to the public. The radio station equipment could create the sound grooves in the record so that a record player capable of handling the 16 inch disks could play the recordings much like a home turntable.
Rev. Brauer retained 7 of these platters with some holding transcriptions on both sides, a total of 11 transcriptions of Lutheran Vespers programs. Very few people had “record players” capable of playing the 16 inch disks. Many years later, son Roger who created this website, found a company in Florida (CVC Productions, Windermere, FL) and paid to have the sound recordings converted to digital files. When creating this website, he converted the old digital file format to a
current digital file format.
The process that converted the recordings to digital files included filtering out some background
noise to improve the resulting sound. The company found that a few of the transcriptions had
deteriorated in a very few places and the voice of Rev. Brauer was not fully understood.
List of Radio Sermon Transcriptions
Text of Radio Sermons Found on Transcriptions
Recording #1 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #2 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #3 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #4 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #5 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #6 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #7 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #8 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #9 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #10 - Click here to open PDF document
Recording #11 - Click here to open PDF document
Table 2. Text of Radio Sermons Delivered at Radio Stations in Utah.
Click on Sermon Number to allow the PDF file to appear.
Table 3. Text of Radio Sermons Delivered at Radio Stations in Wisconsin.
Click on Sermon Number to allow the PDF file to appear.